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경희의료원 로고

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  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수

    경력 및 연수

    경력 및 연수 정보 제공
    ~ 경희대학교병원 재활의학과 과장
    ~ 경희대학교 의과대학 교수
    2000 ~ 아틀란타, 시드니 올림픽 한국선수단 주치의
    1996 ~ 2003 태릉선수촌 의무실장


    학회활동 정보 제공
    ~ 대한재활의학회
    ~ 대한스포츠과학·운동의학회
    ~ 대한축구협회 의무분과위원
    ~ 대한체육회 의무분과위원
    ~ 평창 올림픽 의무전문위원
    ~ KBO(한국야구위원회) 반도핑위원장


    저서 정보 제공
    2018.07 스포츠치의학
    2015.05 스트레칭 아나토미 : 해부학적으로 쉽게 배우는 스트레칭
    2015.04 요가 아나토미 : 해부학적으로 쉽게 배우는 요가
    2013.06 근골격계질환의 통증해부학
    2011.10 Dance anatomy
    2011.05 Clinical sports medicine
    2011.04 YOGA anatomy
    2010.12 2010년 제3기 5급승진자 리더과정II 건강관리 양방
    2010.11 SWIMMING Anatomy
    2010.11 2010년 공공스포츠시설관리자 전문교육
    2010.10 Golf Anatomy
    2010.09 CYCLING Anatomy
    2010.09 2010년 전문교육과정
    2010.06 2010년 체육행정공무원 전문교육
    2010.01 2010 프로야구선수 신인선수 교육
    2009.10 5급 승진자 리더 과정
    2009.09 Stretching anatomy
    2009.06 전문교육과정 생활체육과정
    2009.05 체육행정공무원 전문교육
    2009.03 대한선수트레이너협회 6차 자격연수
    2009.03 물리의학과 재활
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2020.03 Evaluation of Factors Associated With Favorable Outcomes in Adults With Bell Palsy
    2019.12 Correlations between swallowing function and acoustic vowel space in stroke patients with dysarthria
    2019.05 A High Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Is Associated with Recovery from Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
    2018.12 안면마비 환자에서 표면 근전도 검사와 통상적 근전도 검사간 상관관계
    2018.12 요천추 신경근병증 환자에서 고주파치료 이후 방사통과 균형에 대한 효과 방사통과 균형에 대한 효과
    2018.02 Association Between Asymmetry in Knee Extension Strength and Balance in a Community-Dwelling Elderly Population: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
    2017.12 Biomechanical Parameters in Plantar Fasciitis Measured by Gait Analysis System With Pressure Sensor
    2017.10 Asymmetric Atrophy of Paraspinal Muscles in Patients With Chronic Unilateral Lumbar Radiculopathy
    2017.04 Association Between a Polymorphism in CASP3 and CASP9 Genes and Ischemic Stroke
    2017.04 The Association Between Fall History and Physical Performance Tests in the Community-Dwelling Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
    2017.02 The Effects of a Bridging Exercise With Hip Adductor Contraction on the EMG Activities of Abdominal Muscles in Patients With Sub-Acute Stroke
    2016.08 The Relationship Between Tongue Pressure and Oral Dysphagia in Stroke Patients
    2016.07 Delayed facial nerve decompression for Bell's palsy.
    2015.10 Hypokalemia-Induced Rhabdomyolysis by Primary Aldosteronism Coexistent With Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis
    2015.09 Differences in orofacial muscle strength according to age and sex in East Asian healthy adults
    2015.08 A Patient With Focal Dystonia That Occurred Secondary to a Peripheral Neurogenic Tumor: A Case Report
    2014.02 Autologous platelet-rich plasma versus dextrose prolotherapy for the treatment of chronic recalcitrant plantar fasciitis
    2013.09 C-type lectin receptors mRNA expression in patients with otitis media with effusion
    2013.06 Effects of Mental Activity Training Linked With Electromyogram-triggered Electrical Stimulation on Paretic Upper Extremity Motor Function in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Pilot Trial
    2012.07 Cotical changes after mental imagery training combined with electromyography-triggered electrical stimulation in patients with chronic stroke
    2011.10 The shoulder gradient in patients with unilateral impingement syndrome
    2010.11 Ramsay Hunt syndrome with multicranial nerve involvement
    2010.07 Aquatic Versus Land-based Exercises as Early Functional Rehabilitation for Elite Athletes with Acute Lower ExtremityLigament Injury: A Pilot Study


    학술활동 정보 제공
    특수체육과 스포츠의학의 학제적 접근
    노인과 스포츠, 실내운동과 실외운동
    스포츠반도핑의 중요성, 생리의학적 관점
    체육학과 의학의 통섭
    도핑, 금지약물 및 방법, 그리고 도핑검사
    Compairison of the Physical Performance Tests to predict falls in the Community Dwelling Elderly
    A Study of Association of FOSB Gene Polymorphisms Ischemic Stroke Patients.
    Impact of Depressive Mood and Sexual Satisfaction on Quality of life in Patients with Stroke
    Association of CASP3 and CASP9 Gene Polymorphisms and Ischemic Stroke in Korean Population
    Biomechanical Parameters in Plantar Fasciitis Measured by Gait Analysis System with Pressure Sensor
    Effectiveness of Intravenous or Oral Bisphosphonates in Stroke Patients with Osteoporosis
    Compairison of the Physical Performance Tests to predict falls in the Community Dwelling Elderly
    Ultrasound-Guided Greater Occipital Nerve Block for Primary Headache : Comparison of Two Techniques
    Cervical Paraspinal Muscles Atrophy in Patients with Chronic Unilateral Cervical Radiculopathy
    Inappropriate Sexual Behavior as Initial Clinical Feature in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
    Goldenhar Syndrome : A Case Report
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