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경희의료원 로고

의료진 소개

  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수


    학력 정보 제공
    2013 ~ 성균관대대학원 의학과 박사
    2008 ~ 경희대대학원 의학과 석사
    2003 ~ 경희대학교 의학과 학사

    경력 및 연수

    경력 및 연수 정보 제공
    2020 ~ 현재 경희대학교병원 종양혈액내과 부교수
    2016 ~ 2019 경희대학교병원 종양혈액내과 조교수
    2013 ~ 2015 경희대학교병원 종양혈액내과 임상조교수
    2011 ~ 2013 삼성서울병원 혈액종양내과 전임의


    학회활동 정보 제공
    ~ 대한내과학회
    ~ 대한암학회
    ~ 대한종양내과학회 보험정책위원
    ~ 대한항암요법연구회 홍보위원회 간사
    ~ 한국호스피스완화의료학회 학술위원회 간사
    ~ 대한위암학회 학술위원회
    ~ American Society of Clinical Oncology
    ~ American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
    ~ European Society for Medical Oncology
    ~ Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)


    저서 정보 제공
    2018.07 호스피스·완화의료
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2012.04 Implications of Different CA 15-3 Levels according to Breast Cancer Subtype at Initial Diagnosis of Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer
    2012.08 High-Throughput Genotyping in Metastatic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Identifies Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase and BRAF Mutations
    2012.09 The impact of baseline and interim PET/CT parameters on clinical outcome in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma
    2012.12 Unique perception of clinical trials by Korean cancer patients
    2013.01 Clinical implication of Time To Brain Metastasis (TTBM) according to breast cancer subtypes
    2013.04 Effect of paclitaxel/carboplatin salvage chemotherapy in noncutaneous versus cutaneous metastatic melanoma
    2013.06 Prospective analysis of quality of life in elderly patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy for non-small-celll lung cancer
    2013.10 Effects of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Treatment Outcomes and Toxicity in Patients Treated with Sunitinib
    2013.11 High-throughput Molecular Genotyping for Small Biopsy Samples in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
    2013.12 Nomogram to Predict Treatment Outcome of Fluoropyrimidine/Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Metastatic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    2014.01 The impact of activated p-AKT expression on clinical outcomes in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a clinicopathological study of 262 cases
    2014.02 Prognostic Factor Analysis in Core-Binding Factor-positive Acute Myeloid Leukemia
    2014.05 Positive Correlation between Baseline PET or PET/CT Findings and Clinical Parameters in Multiple Myeloma Patients
    2014.08 Role of induction and consolidation chemotherapy in elderly acute myeloid leukemia patients
    2014.10 Radiation recall phenomenon presenting as myositis triggered by carboplatin plus paclitaxel and related literature review
    2015.01 Liver-targeted cyclosporine A-encapsulated poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid nanoparticles inhibit hepatitis C virus replication
    2015.01 Changes in the Mean Corpuscular Volume after Capecitabine Treatment are Associated with Clinical Response and Survival in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer
    2015.03 Clinical features and treatment outcomes of primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma: a single-center analysis in South Korea
    2015.05 Thyroid Cancer and T Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Crohn Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review
    2015.06 Platelet response during the second cycle of decitabine treatment predicts response and survival for myelodysplastic syndrome patients
    2016.04 A Retrospective Analysis for Patients with HER2-Positive Gastric Cancer Who Were Treated with Trastuzumab-Based Chemotherapy: In the Perspectives of Ethnicity and Histology
    2016.05 Treatment outcomes and clinical relevance of the Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index in Korean follicular lymphoma patients treated with chemotherapy
    2016.11 An 8-gene signature for prediction of prognosis and chemoresponse in non-small cell lung cancer
    2017.01 Comparison of Total Body Irradiation (TBI) Conditioning with Non-TBI for Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Newly Diagnosed or Relapsed Mature T- and NK-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
    2017.05 Crohn’s disease and smoldering multiple myeloma: a case report and literature review
    2017.08 The Prognostic 97 Chemoresponse Gene Signature in Ovarian Cancer.
    2017.11 Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis associated with sunitinib and a literature review
    2018.06 The Role of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Patients With Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    2018.08 A Phase III Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Paclitaxel Versus Irinotecan in Patients with Metastatic or Recurrent Gastric Cancer Who Failed in First-line Therapy (KCSG ST10-01).
    2018.09 Efficacy and tolerability of ramucirumab monotherapy or in combination with paclitaxel in gastric cancer patients from the Expanded Access Program Cohort by the Korean Cancer Study Group (KCSG)
    2018.09 Efficacy and tolerability of ramucirumab monotherapy or in combination with paclitaxel in gastric cancer patients from the Expanded Access Program Cohort by the Korean Cancer Study Group (KCSG)
    2018.09 Comparison of attitudes towards five end-of-life care interventions (active pain control, withdrawal of futile life-sustaining treatment, passive euthanasia, active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide): a multicentred cross-sectional survey of Korean patients with cancer, their family caregivers, physicians and the general Korean population.
    2018.10 Priorities of a “good death” according to cancer patients, their family caregivers, physicians, and the general population: a nationwide survey.
    2019.01 Korean practice guideline for gastric cancer 2018: An evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approach
    2019.04 Attitudes of the General Public, Cancer Patients, Family Caregivers, and Physicians Toward Advance Care Planning: A Nationwide Survey Before the Enforcement of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Decision-Making Act
    2019.07 Comparative effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by cystectomy versus cystectomy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy versus palliative chemotherapy versus cystectomy for node-positive bladder cancer: A retrospective analysis: KCSG GU 17-03
    2020.01 Practice patterns of multidisciplinary team meetings in Korean cancer care and patient satisfaction with this approach
    2020.01 Selective targeting of cancer stem cells (CSCs) based on photodynamic therapy (PDT) penetration depth inhibits colon polyp formation in mice
    2020.04 Acute myeloid leukemia with t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) in a patient with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor undergoing imatinib therapy: A case report
    2020.06 Stage iv epstein-barr virus-associated early gastric cancer and comparative analysis of genetic alterations in primary and metastatic tumors
    2020.06 Association of illness understanding with advance care planning and end-of-life care preferences for advanced cancer patients and their family members
    2020.09 Pembrolizumab-induced severe oral mucositis in a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung: A case study
    2020.09 Lenvatinib-induced acute pancreatitis in a patient with metastatic thyroid cancer: A case report
    2020.10 Optimal time interval from surgery to adjuvant chemotherapy in gastric cancer
    2020.10 Perspectives on Professional Burnout and Occupational Stress among Medical Oncologists: A Cross-sectional Survey by Korean Society for Medical Oncology (KSMO)
    2020.11 The Impacts of Prognostic Awareness on Mood and Quality of Life Among Patients With Advanced Cancer
    2020.12 The Attitudes of Physicians and the General Public toward Prognostic Disclosure of Different Serious Illnesses: a Korean Nationwide Study


    학술활동 정보 제공
    Analysis of the Current Status of Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Care for Cancer Patients in Korea
    Optimal time interval between surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy of gastric cancer
    A Phase III Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Paclitaxel Versus Irinotecan in Patients with Metastatic or Recurrent Gastric Cancer Who Failed in First-line Therapy (KCSG ST10-01).
    Impact of cyclophilin A on survival in gastric cancer patients who received platinum-based chemotherapy
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