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경희의료원 로고

의료진 소개

  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수


    학력 정보 제공
    ~ 경희대대학원 진단검사의학과 박사
    2007 ~ 2009 경희대대학원 의학과 석사

    경력 및 연수

    경력 및 연수 정보 제공
    2024 ~ 현재 경희대학교병원 진단검사의학과 교수
    2023 ~ 현재 경희대학교병원 진단검사의학과장
    2017 ~ 2024 경희대학교병원 진단검사의학과 부교수
    ~ 미래창조과학부 여성과학자 지원사업 책임연구자
    ~ 경희대학교병원 진단검사의학과 전문의
    ~ 홍콩대학 연수 (visiting assistant professor, the division of chemical pathology, The University of Hong Kong 2013)


    학회활동 정보 제공
    2019 ~ 현재 대한진단검사의학회 학회지 임상화학분과 편집위원
    2019 ~ 현재 대한진단검사의학회 대외협력위원회 위원
    2019 ~ 현재 대한진단검사의학회 임상화학위원회 위원
    2017 ~ 현재 대한임상화학회 학술대회 조직위원
    2017 ~ 현재 대한임상정도관리협회 교육차장
    2016 ~ 현재 대한임상정도관리협회 학술위원
    ~ IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) 2020 WorldLab Seoul TFT
    ~ 임상시험 글로벌 사업단 평가위원
    ~ 미국임상화학회(AACC) 정회원
    ~ IFCC 정회원
    ~ 대한진단검사의학회 정회원
    ~ 대한임상화학회 정회원
    ~ 대한혈액학회 정회원
    ~ 대한임상미생물학회 정회원
    ~ 한국혈전지혈학회 정회원
    ~ 대한 다발성 골수종 연구회 정회원
    ~ 대한임상정도관리협회 정회원
    2021 ~ 2022 대학임상화학회 홍보이사
    2017 ~ 2020 대한임상화학회 간행이사
    2015 ~ 2018 대한진단검사의학회 학회지 부편집위원장(Deputy Editor-in-Chief in the journal of 'Annals of Laboratory Medicine' (SCIE)
    2015 ~ 2018 대한진단검사의학회 정보위원회 위원


    저서 정보 제공
    2022. Inherited Metabolic Diseases and Genetic Testing (Springer Book)
    2014. Global Point of Care : Strategies for Disasters, Emergencies, and Public Health Resilience


    수상이력 정보 제공
    한국과학기술한림원 선정 한림선도과학자
    개원 40주년 기념 우수교직원상 (경희의료원)
    2021 대한임상화학회 춘계학술대회 우수논문상
    2020 대한임상화학회 추계학술대회 우수논문상
    2016 한국여자의사회 MSD 신진연구상 수상
    2013 International travel grant winner 2013 Annual Meeting of American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) International travel grant winner (Houston, USA)
    2013 세계3대 인명사전 ABI, IBC, Marquis Who’s Who 2013 등재
    2012 LG 미래의학자상 (LG LifeScience , 청년의사신문)
    2012 Travel award 2012 the 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH) Travel award (Kyoto, Japan)
    2011 International travel grant winner 2011 Annual Meeting of American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) International travel grant winner (Atlanta, USA)
    2010 Research award 2010 the 12th Meeting of Asian-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry (APCCB) (Seoul, Korea)
    경희의대 졸업성적우수상 (경희대학교 의과대학)
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2010.04 Case Report: Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Detected by HRP-2 Antigenemia Before Microscopic- and PCR-Positive Conversion
    2010.07 Superwarfarin Intoxication of Unknown Etiology Accompanying Hemoperitoneum in a Patient on Fluconazole Therapy
    2010.07 ABO discrepancy in an elderly patient with IgA kappa-type multiple myeloma
    2010.07 Two childhood cases of acute leukemia with t(16;21)(p11.2;q22): second case report of infantile acute lymphoblastic leukemia with unusual type of FUS-ERG chimeric transcript
    2010.08 A Case of Pseudoisodicentric Chromosome 18q Detected at Prenatal Diagnosis
    2010.09 A novel case of acute myeloid leukemia with RUNX1/RUNX1T1 rearrangement in Klinefelter syndrome
    2010.09 ider(17)(q10)t(15;17) associated with relapse and poor prognosis in a pediatric patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia
    2010.10 Acute myeloid leukemia associated with t(10;17)(p13-15;q12-21) and phagocyte activity by leukemic blasts: a clinical study and review of the literature
    2010.10 Prognostic significance of trisomy 6 in an adult acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)
    2010.12 FISH-negative cryptic PML-RARA rearrangement detected by long-distance polymerase chain reaction and sequencing analyses: a case study and review of the literature
    2010.12 Acute myeloid leukemia associated with t(1;3)(p36;q21) and extreme thrombocytosis: a clinical study with literature review
    2011.01 Hypoplastic Myelodysplastic Syndrome Associated with der(1;7)(q10;p10) Presenting as Bone Marrow Failure
    2011.01 JAK2 Mutation-Negative Secondary Erythrocytosis in Smoldering Plasma Cell Myeloma: A Case Study and Review of the Literature
    2011.03 Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Three Real-Time PCR Kits for Detecting Mycobacterium Species
    2011.04 Overlapping Presence of Macroamylasemia and Hyperamylasemia in Acute Pancreatitis
    2011.04 A Rare Case of Microgranular Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Associated with ider(17)(q10)t(15;17) in an Old-age Patient
    2011.07 A novel PML-ADAMTS17-RARA gene rearrangement in a patient with pregnancy-related acute promyelocytic leukemia
    2011.07 Primary Plasma Cell Leukemia Associated with t(6;14)(p21;q32) and IGH Rearrangement: A Case Study and Review of the Literature
    2011.07 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia with Trisomy 8 and del(9)(q22) after Treatment of Cervical Cancer with Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy: A Case Report
    2011.09 Adjuvant Laboratory Marker of Kawasaki Disease; NT-pro-BNP or hs-CRP?
    2011.09 Comparative Measurements of Pandemic 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Using Multiplex RT-PCR and 2 Real-Time RT-PCR Assays
    2011.09 The Significance of Serum Cystatin C Accompanied by a Normal Serum Creatinine Level in Pediatric Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
    2011.10 Three Cases Showing False Results in the Detection of Monoclonal Components Using Capillary Electrophoresis
    2011.11 Functional assay or antigen test for protein C and protein S in ischemic stroke: which shows the greatest change?
    2011.12 Case Report and Literature Review: Therapy-Related Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Acute Myeloid Leukemia with del(7)(q22) in a Patient with De Novo AML
    2011.12 Case Report and Review of the Literature: A Novel Three-Way Ph Variant t(8;9;22) in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    2011.12 Cystatin C/creatinine ratio in pediatric kidney disease
    2012.01 The Clinical Significance of Serum Cystatin Cin Critically Ill Newborns With Normal Serum Creatinine
    2012.01 Mean platelet volume in Korean patients with hepatic diseases
    2012.01 Submicroscopic Deletion of RUNX1T1 Gene Confirmed by High-Resolution Microarray in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with RUNX1/RUNX1T1 Rearrangement
    2012.01 Submicroscopic Deletion of FGFR1 Gene Is Recurrently Detected in Myeloid and Lymphoid Neoplasms Associated with ZMYM2-FGFR1 Rearrangements: A Case Study
    2012.03 Detection of Clostridium difficile as a Routine Diagnosis: Comparison of Real-Time PCR and Enzyme Immunoassay
    2012.03 Association between acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and der(8;9)(q10;q10): a novel case of double der(8;9) in Ph+ adult B cell ALL
    2012.06 Genomic analysis of a four-way t(4;11;22;10) associated with MLL-AF4 in an adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    2012.09 Large population study for the reference range of mean platelet volume in Korean individuals
    2012.09 Detection of RUNX1-MECOM Fusion Gene and t(3,21) in a Very Elderly Patient Having Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Myelodysplasia-Related Changes
    2012.09 Quinolone-resistant Shigella flexneri Isolated in a Patient Who Travelled to India
    2012.11 The First Korean Case Report of Anti-Gerbich
    2012.12 Combined Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis infection in a patient with oesophageal perforation
    2013.01 Mean platelet volume in Korean patients with acute ischemic stroke: A gender difference
    2013.01 Mean platelet volume/platelet count ratio in hepatocellular carcinoma
    2013.01 Mean platelet volume/platelet count ratio in anemia
    2013.01 Mean platelet volume in patients with increased procalcitonin level
    2013.01 Mean platelet volume in pediatric chronic kidney diseases
    2013.01 Increased mean platelet volume and mean platelet volume/platelet count ratio in Korean patients with deep vein thrombosis
    2013.01 Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Crohn's Disease
    2013.01 Plasma Cell Neoplasms Showing Multilobulated Nuclei
    2013.01 Laboratory Tools for Oligo-Secretory Myeloma Diagnosis: Capillary Electrophoresis Versus Free Light Chain Assay
    2013.04 Genomic breakpoints and clinical features of MLL-TET1 rearrangement in acute leukemias
    2013.05 Plasma Cell Myeloma Initially Presenting as Lung Cancer
    2013.07 Interference of luteinizing hormone in the urinary point-of-care human chorionic gonadotropin test
    2013.07 Interpretation and Clinical Significance of Small Monoclonal Peaks in Capillary Electrophoresis
    2013.07 Two Discrete kappa Light Chain Peaks Discovered During Follow-up of a Patient With Multiple Myeloma
    2013.07 The Utility of the Multiplex Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay in the Detection of Hematologic Malignancies
    2013.10 Incidental finding of transferrin variant in capillary electrophoresis: does it have any clinical meaning?
    2013.10 Novel mutations in myopathic form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency in a Chinese patient
    2013.10 Factors influencing discordant results of the QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-tube test in patients with active TB
    2013.11 X-linked glycogen storage disease IXa manifested in a female carrier due to skewed X chromosome inactivation
    2013.11 Microarray analysis unmasked paternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 12 in a patient with isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency
    2014.01 Comparison of two molecular methods for detecting toxigenic clostridium difficile.
    2014.01 Mean platelet volume in acute appendicitis: A gender difference
    2014.07 Evaluation of a Chromogenic Culture Medium for the Detection of Clostridium difficile.
    2014.07 A case series of autoimmune diseases accompanied by incidentally diagnosed monoclonal gammopathy: Is there a link between the two diseases?
    2014.07 Masked monoclonal gammopathy in capillary electrophoresis.
    2014.07 Free light chain levels in pediatric patients with inflammatory conditions.
    2014.08 To the Editor: Molecular epidemiology of toxigenic Clostridium difficile isolates in Korea.
    2014.08 Smoking Cession Decreases Mean Platelet Volume in Healthy Korean Populations
    2014.10 Mean platelet volume according to the ethnic difference
    2014.10 Serum Glycated Albumin Level in Hypoalbuminemia
    2014.10 Mean Platelet Volume Shows a Significant Positive Correlation with hs-CRP in Korean Patients with Various Disease Conditions
    2014.12 Mean platelet volume and mean platelet volume/platelet count ratio in infective endocarditis.
    2014.12 Unusual Case of Overlapping AIDS and EBV Coinfection, Rapid Progressing B-Cell Lymphoma, and Monoclonal Gammopathy
    2015.02 Investigation of common blood cell parameters in prolonged closure time of PFA-100 test in Korean patients with various disease conditions.
    2015.05 Mean platelet volume in patients with increased γ-glutamyl transferase
    2015.05 Comparison of the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay and Real-time PCR for the Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    2015.05 A Novel Case of Extreme Thrombocytosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Associated With Isochromosome 17q and Copy Neutral Loss of Heterozygosity
    2015.07 Mean platelet volume and mean platelet volume/platelet count ratio in patients with chronic alcohol consumption
    2015.07 A Case of Refractory Anemia with Excess Blast-2 with Sole Trisomy 13
    2015.07 Investigation of Concordance in Two Automated Rapid Plasma Reagin Assays and Conventional Manual Card Method
    2015.09 Primary Anti-D Alloimmunization Induced by “Asian Type” RHD (c.1227G>A) DEL Red Cell Transfusion
    2015.09 Central Venous Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection by Corynebacterium striatum Identified by 16S rRNA and rpoB Gene Sequencing.
    2015.12 Clinical whole-exome sequencing reveals a novel missense pathogenic variant of GNAO1 in a patient with infantile-onset epilepsy.
    2016.01 Concomitant appearance of two false positive peaks with a true monoclonal one in a patient with plasma cell myeloma.
    2016.03 Mycobacterium tuberculosis의 효과적인 RNA 추출방법
    2016.03 Investigation of Relationship Between Glycated Albumin, HbA1c, and their Ratio in Korean Patients with Impaired Glucose Metabolism.
    2016.04 Novel large deletion in AVPR2 gene causing copy number variation in a patient with X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
    2016.06 Mean Platelet Volume in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection
    2016.07 Bisalbuminemia accompanying bisalbuminuria detected in capillary electrophoresis, not in gel electrophoresis.
    2016.08 Plasma Amyloid-Beta Levels in Korean Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
    2016.09 Mean Platelet volume in patients with preeclampsia: single center study and literature review
    2016.10 False-Positive Urine Pregnancy Test in a Menstruating Woman
    2017.01 Biclonal plasma cell myeloma with the simultaneous appearance of both secretory lambda and nonsecretory kappa monoclonal light chains
    2017.03 Disialo-Trisialo Bridging Phenomenon of Transferrin Isoform Detected by Capillary Electrophoresis in Patient with Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis: First Case Report from Asia
    2017.03 Unusual Case of Follicular Lymphoma Presenting IgM Monoclonal Gammopathy Considerably Buried in Broad Polyclonal Peak in Capillary Electrophoresis
    2017.04 Inhibin-alpha gene mutations and mRNA levels in human lymphoid and myeloid leukemia cells
    2017.04 RNA expression analysis of efflux pump genes in clinical isolates of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in South Korea
    2017.07 Fluoroquinolone resistance mechanisms by molecular epidemiologic study of ciprofloxacin-nonsusceptible Escherichia coli sequence types isolated from clinical specimens in a tertiary care university hospital in Korea: Emergence of clone ST131, 2006-2008
    2017.09 임상 검체에서 분리된 그람 다양성 세균 Paenibacillus urinalis 5예와 Paenibacillus 균종의 임상적 의의
    2017.09 Prevalence of ST131 and ST1193 Among Bloodstream Isolates of Escherichia coli not Susceptible to Ciprofloxacin in a Tertiary Care University Hospital in Korea, 2013-2014
    2017.10 Investigations of the Serum Free Light Chain Ratio According to the Updated 2014 IMWG Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Myeloma in Korean Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma
    2018.03 Concordance of Capillary Electrophoresis and Conventional Gel Electrophoresis in Two Different Groups of Patients with Newly Diagnosed vs. Pre-Existing Monoclonal Gammopathy
    2018.03 Investigation of Iron Metabolism for Regulating Megakaryopoiesis and Platelet Count According to the Mechanisms of Anemia
    2018.05 ALDH1 and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as predictors for neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in breast cancer
    2018.07 Mac-2 Binding Protein Glycosylation Isomer: Emerging Non-Invasive Serum Marker for Liver Fibrosis
    2018.09 Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin as a Promising Novel Biomarker for Early Detection of Kidney Injury
    2018.10 Mean Platelet Volume Shows Negative Correlation with Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies Level
    2019.01 Advances in Automated Urinalysis Systems, Flow Cytometry and Digitized Microscopy
    2019.01 Preoperative Mean Platelet Volume in Thyroid Cancer
    2019.04 로타바이러스 검출을 위한 두 가지 면역크로마토그래피법 신속검사의 평가
    2019.07 Expanded Impacts of Platelet Functions: Beyond Hemostasis and Thrombosis
    2019.07 Mean platelet volume and mean platelet volume/platelet count ratio in chronic urticaria
    2019.09 급성 충수염 환자의 혈액배양에서 동시에 분리된 Catabacter hongkongensis와 Alistipes indistinctus 1예
    2020.04 Comparison between two Rapid Urine Antigen Tests for Streptococcus pneumoniae: Immunochromatographic Test and Fluorescent-based Immunoassay
    2020.05 Mean Platelet Volume in Patients with Increased Lipoprotein(a) Levels
    2020.10 국내 30개 기관의 Turnaround Time (TAT) 설정 상황과 TAT 관리 및 향상을 위한 고찰


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