Korean Medicine

  • Restoration of natural healing power through holistic personalized treatment


    The Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation is a specialized department that treats the following diseases by highly trained professional Korean medicine doctors.
    • Various motor paralysis and sensory disturbances due to central nerve diseases such as stroke or spinal cord injury and peripheral nerve damage
    • Spinal and joint diseases caused by various causes such as disc, stenosis, degenerative arthritis, and frozen shoulder
    • A fasting clinic that treats and manages obesity, chronic diseases, and incurable diseases using curing and fasting therapies and various natural remedies.
    • Central nervous system inflammatory diseases caused by autoimmunity that are intractable diseases (such as multiple sclerosis, multiple peripheral neuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, etc.) and
      Intractable pain diseases such as fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, intractable pain diseases, etc.
    In the Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, it is not a treatment method that mechanically applies a certain prescription and treatment to a certain disease or symptom, as in the existing method, but rather the biological characteristics, lifestyle and environment of the patient, which are the cause of the disease. We pursue 'holistic personalized medical care' by identifying the aspects of disease from an integrated medical point of view of Korean medicine and western medicine, correcting and removing the cause, alleviating symptoms, and curing the disease.

    Although the same treatment is used, you can experience a different and excellent treatment effect from the existing Korean medicine treatment. The basic but most important difference of the Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation is knowing and using the most important people, diseases, and treatments.
    The doctor's mission is not to accompany the patient for the rest of his life, but to restore the patient to the point where they no longer need a doctor. ‘All healing powers are already inherent in the patient’s body, and the doctor’s role is to help them develop well’. We'll help you up close with you need us. We will do our best to help you recover quickly and return to a life that does not require doctors and hospitals

    In Korean medicine, it is said that holistic treatment is the best treatment.
    We thoroughly understand the patient's biological and biomedical characteristics, health-related lifestyle and posture, diet, exercise and work environment, and the characteristics and symptoms of the patient's disease, and provide the best treatment based on this.

    In treatment methods,
    • Traditional Korean herbal remedies such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, herbal acupuncture, bee venom acupuncture, and thread embedding therapy are applied based on the exact efficacy of each and confirmed by medical evidence.
    • Active use of Korean medicine physiotherapy using physical factors such as heat, light, air current, electricity, and water to activate the functions of the five internal organs and control pain and inflammation
    • A fasting regimen that removes toxins from the body, prevents and treats disease, and promotes health by controlling the diet
    • Chuna therapy to normalize joint function and correct posture and body shape etc.
    are used.

    Medical Fields

    Paralytic disease

    : Stroke, facial paralysis, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, nerve entrapment syndrome, speech disorder

    Spine and joint disease

    : Disc disease, stenosis, degenerative arthritis, temporomandibular joint disorder, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, greater trochanteric bursitis, sports injury, postoperative rehabilitation

    Obesity disease

    : Fasting therapy, body shape correction, severe obesity, partial obesity

    Autoimmune and incurable diseases

    : Multiple sclerosis, multiple peripheral neuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome sequelae, fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, intractable pain

    Traffic Accident Injury Syndrome

    : Neck pain, back pain, headache, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, post-traumatic stress syndrome due to traffic accident


    Paralytic disease

    The purpose of treatment is to improve blood flow, promote the recovery of damaged nerves, and control/relieve inflammation by identifying the cause of blood flow disorders, nerve damage, and the presence and cause of inflammation. From the initial stage of paralysis to the sequelae stage, the Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation provides customized rehabilitation treatment according to the patient's condition.

    Spinal Disorders and Joint Disorders

    - When the bones, cartilage, joints and joint appendages such as joint capsules and ligaments, muscles or tendons are damaged, such as traffic accident injury syndrome, it protects the damaged area and accelerates recovery by removing stasis and promoting blood circulation. It helps to restore the original function through rehabilitation of pain, movement disorders and joint dysfunction.
    - Degenerative diseases of the spine and joints (knee arthritis, hip arthritis, spondylosis and intervertebral disc degenerative diseases, straight neck-curved back-round shoulders and shins, etc.) It is difficult to achieve complete remission by treating pain alone for various joint and spinal pain conditions related to postural disorders. By accurately identifying and correcting the disorder in the causative posture, the function of the spine and joints can be restored to the maximum without degeneration.

    Autoimmune Nervous System and Musculoskeletal Disorders

    Autoimmune diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system are intractable diseases in which the immune function in the body attacks the body, causing inflammation and damage. For treatment, acupuncture and fasting to relieve symptoms, control inflammation, and lead to immune tolerance, various probiotics and herbal medicines and diet to improve the intestinal environment to induce immune tolerance, and various herbal treatments to restore joint function apply.

    Fasting Therapy Clinic

    Fasting is the sum total of commonly known detoxification therapies. Toxins in the body enter through the intestines and cause inflammatory reactions and damage to tissues and cells in the process of being detoxified by the liver. The free radicals generated at this time cause systemic cell damage, accelerate aging and lead to chronic disease. Fasting is performed for the purpose of restoring intestinal and liver functions, promoting the excretion of toxins in the body, and restoring the intestines and liver through strict diet control for a set period and fasting supplementary herbal medicines to create an environment in the body that is difficult to generate toxins. treatment. The fasting therapy is used for various chronic metabolic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, functional digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and digestive diseases such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease, as well as autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism, various diseases related to hormone secretion disorders, and degenerative inflammatory diseases. etc. can be applied.

    Chuna therapy

    Since chuna therapy was introduced to Korea, it is one of the representative treatments of the Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, which has nurtured experts in chuna by lecturing the theory and practical techniques of chuna therapy at the College of Korean Medicine.
    Chuna therapy normalizes the fascia system that surrounds the body so that the weight-bearing force does not damage the body, and it has the effect of restoring the movement and function of the joint to be optimized. In addition, it corrects the misaligned parts of our body, that is, the broken bones and muscles, with customized treatment according to the body type and posture of each patient. This relieves pressure on nerves and blood vessels, promotes blood circulation in the vertebral joints, relieves pain, and stimulates peripheral nerves that radiate from the brain and spine to treat some medical problems.
    People with musculoskeletal pain in the neck, back, shoulder, knee, hip, etc., and functional disorders of the vertebral joints due to various degenerative and traumatic diseases can benefit primarily from Chuna therapy. In particular, people who have suffered from musculoskeletal problems despite various treatments due to problems with body shape and posture can get synergistic effects if they receive Chuna therapy along with other treatments.
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