Korean Medicine

  • Improving the quality of life through customized Korean medicine treatment for female diseases and maximizing the treatment effect through collaboration treatment with western medicine


    The Department of Korean Medicine Gynecology values women's health and happy life. As Donguibogam’s says that it is more difficult to treat one woman than to treat ten men, we take into account the physiological and pathological characteristics of women and treat them mentally and physically.

    Women go through continuous changes such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause throughout their lives. Among these physiological changes, various diseases such as menstruation, genital disease, pregnancy disease, postpartum disease, and menopausal disorders, as well as female oncological diseases such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine fibroids, and adenomyosis can occur. For these diseases, it is very important not only to treat the local causes, but also to treat the overall function and blood circulation of the female body.

    The Department of Korean Medicine Gynecology, based on long experience and treatment effects specialized for female diseases, provides Korean medicine treatment tailored to each individual's constitution, and a close cooperation system with Western obstetrics and gynecology, providing optimal combination treatment with Korean medicine based on accurate diagnosis.

    At the Women's Medical Center, we are constantly striving and doing our best to make it a space for women to find happiness in women, where they can heal their sick bodies and receive comfort from their hearts.

    Medical Fields

    Menstrual disorder

    - Refers to any disease related to menstruation
    - Menstrual irregularity, abnormal uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, polycystic ovary syndrome
    - Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), premenstrual dystonia, chronic pelvic pain


    - Diseases of the external genitalia, such as the labia and vagina, and internal genitalia, such as the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
    - Gynecological tumor diseases: uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, endometriosis, adenomyosis, ovarian cyst, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer
    - Inflammatory diseases: vaginitis, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory

    Pregnancy disease

    - From pregnancy preparation to pregnancy-related diseases
    - Infertility, infertility (infertility of unknown cause), Korean medicine infertility treatment before assisted reproductive surgery, habitual miscarriage, prenatal management
    - Management during pregnancy, morning sickness, pregnancy cold, prevention of miscarriage, cervical incompetence, abdominal pain during pregnancy, bleeding during pregnancy

    Postpartum disease

    - Miscarriage, premature birth, and Korean medicine cooking with diseases after normal delivery
    - Post-abortion cooking, postpartum care, postpartum flu, postpartum weakness, postpartum obesity, postpartum joint pain, postpartum depression, etc

    Menopause disorder

    - Various symptoms and diseases that occur before and after menopause
    - Menopause syndrome, urinary incontinence, female geriatric diseases, female anti-aging, female immunity enhancement

    Breast cancer

    - Post-surgery recovery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment for condition management


    Personalized treatment according to the body and mind of women

    Because women have a unique constitution, they have different characteristics from men’s and women’s diseases. The goal of the Women's Medical Center, Korean Medicine Hospital, Kyung Hee University is to understand these characteristics well and to become the center of women's happiness through individualized customized professional treatment for women that can achieve women's happiness
    The advantage of Korean medicine treatment for women's health is to understand each woman's individual constitution and mental and physical characteristics well to make the woman's body completely healthy. It treats symptoms caused by stress and psychological causes in the psychological and physical aspects of women's diseases. Acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, etc. are implemented according to each individual's condition under the diagnosis of a Korean Medicine Gynecology specialist.

    Korean-Western Integrated Medicine Treatment

    Kyung Hee Medical Center is a general hospital that combines University hospital, Korean Medicine hospital, and Dental hospital. We provide optimal treatment by supplementing the deficiencies in each field. In the case of Korean Medicine gynecology, through a cooperative system with both obstetrics and gynecology, we are striving for rapid healing such as symptom relief and recovery after surgery by performing appropriate examinations and treatments for a variety of patients.
    We prioritize protecting women's health and happiness through diagnosis and treatment integrated with Korean and Western medicine.
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