Oral medicine

  • Detailed analysis and treatment of various symptoms occurring in the mouth, face, and jaw


    Oral Medicine is a specialized field of dentistry that diagnoses and treats various diseases occurring in the mouth, face, and jaw based on the medical concept. These diseases include temporomandibular joint disorder and orofacial pain, bruxism, clenching, oral soft tissue disease, dry mouth, bad breath, taste disorders, snoring, sleep apnea, dental sleep disorders, atypical toothache & facial pain, stressful oral disease and age and forensic appraisal.
    We carefully listen to various symptoms that are difficult to explain, perform detailed examinations to diagnose them, and seek appropriate treatment for each individual patient.

    The Department of Oral Medicine provide the best treatment suitable for each individual patient through objective evaluation and professional diagnosis of various diseases occurring in the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles. For difficult-to-diagnose symptoms, we carefully discriminate and select an appropriate treatment method.

    Medical Fields

    Temporomandibular joint disorders and orofacial pain

    Bruxism, Clenching teeth

    Oral soft tissue disease, Dry mouth, Bad breath, Taste disorders

    Snoring, Sleep apnea, Dental sleep disorders 

    Atypical toothache & facial pain, Stressful oral disease

    Age Appraisal, Forensic Appraisal


    In the case of temporomandibular joint disorders and orofacial pain, the Department of Oral Medicine diagnoses and treats jaw opening disorders, masticatory disorders, functional disorders, and joint and muscle pains occurring in the temporomandibular joints. Through objective evaluation and professional diagnosis, we provide the best treatment that is appropriate and efficient for each patient.

    It identifies and treats difficult-to-diagnose symptoms such as atypical toothache & facial pain and refers to the appropriate department if necessary.

    It diagnoses and treats various symptoms occurring in areas other than teeth in the oral cavity, such as oral soft tissue disease, stomatitis, and dry mouth.

    Dentally diagnose and treat various problems that occur during sleep, such as sleep bruxing, sleep snoring, and sleep apnea. We analyze the wear of teeth to estimate the age of adults, and conduct forensic and dentistry appraisal work.

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