
  • Customized treatment using the latest digital analysis system


    Kyunghee University Dental Hospital opened the first orthodontic department in a private university in Korea in 1971, and has been providing the highest level of care based on world-leading research. It aims to improve functions such as mastication, breathing and pronunciation as well as aesthetic treatment that corrects not only tooth alignment problems but also the dissonance between the upper and lower jawbones.

    In order to establish a treatment plan based on an accurate cause analysis, facial examination, oral examination, and radiographs are basically performed at the first visit. An individualized treatment plan is established through dynamic functional analysis such as occlusal force, muscular strength, and temporomandibular joint movement as well as morphological evaluation based on dental model analysis and digital analysis of head radiographs. We apply treatment methods suitable for the characteristics of each age, such as growing children, adolescents, adults, and middle-aged people, and provide integrated treatment through active cooperation with other clinical departments.

    Medical Fields

    Pediatric and adolescent orthodontics 

    Adult orthodontics

    Orthodontics for orthognathic surgery 

    Orthodontics for snoring / sleep apnea 

    Bio rapid orthodontics

    3D digital orthodontics

    Orthodontics for cleft lip and palate / facial deformity aesthetic transparency correction

    Tooth-colored or clear braces / Invisalign 

    Lingual orthodontics

    Orthodontics for implant surgery


    One-day analysis system

    Through organized one-day analysis on the day of visit, we provide accurate and quick consultation by solving patients' inquiry.

    Close cooperation with oral and maxillofacial surgery through digital double jaw surgery orthodontic clinic

    Based on the 3D digital examination, diagnosis, and evaluation system, we establish the best treatment plan through collaboration between the Department of Orthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. In addition to traditional model surgery, more sophisticated surgical results can be achieved through digital surgery programs.

    Bio rapid calibration center operating IDB system based on digital set-up

    The Biorapid Orthodontic Center is operated according to the Biocreative Orthodontic Strategy developed by Kyunghee University Dental Hospital in 1998, and aims to harmonize functions including hard tissue, soft tissue, and temporomandibular joint. It provides three-dimensional precision device attachment through a digital-based IDB system.

    Contribute to improving quality of life through sleep respiration correction clinic

    In conjunction with the Department of Otolaryngology and Throatology at Kyunghee Medical Center, we are operating a multidisciplinary team treatment-research system, and are conducting research on dental treatment protocols for sleep apnea patients.
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